Club Officers and Key Volunteers

  • Program Chairman – David Kincaid
    • Co-Chairman – Lee Reynolds
    • Co-Chairman – Britt Man
  • Chief of Safety – Lee Reynolds
    • Senior Safety Steward – Britt Mann
    • Senior Safety Steward – (OPEN)
  • Treasurer(OPEN)
    • Vice-Treasurer(OPEN)
    • Fundraising & Sponsorship Manager(OPEN)
  • Chief Registrar –  Samantha Kincaid
    • Asst. Registrar – Ellen Mann
    • Asst. Registrar(OPEN)
    • Worker Assignment Coordinator (OPEN)
  • Chief of Timing and Scoring – Samantha Kincaid
    • Asst. Timing and Scoring – Ellen Mann
    • Asst. Timing and Scoring(OPEN)
  • Chief of Tech – Tommy Ransom
  • Chief of Course – Lee Reynolds
    • Course Designer – Britt Mann
    • Course Designer –(OPEN)
  • Paddock Marshal – (OPEN)
    • Grid Manager – (OPEN)
    • Asst. Grid Manager – (OPEN)
    • New Driver Orientation and Instruction(OPEN)
    • Worker Orientation and Instruction – (OPEN)
  • Asset and Equipment Manager – (OPEN)
  • Chief of Public Relations – Danielle Hemphill
    • Web Development – David Kincaid
    • Copywriter – (OPEN)
    • Social Media Contributor –(OPEN)
    • Social Media Contributor – (OPEN)
  • Media Manager –(OPEN)
  • Software Engineer – David Kincaid

For a full list of each position’s responsibilities, click here.

For any nominations or applications for an open position, please send an e-mail to