844-372-2223 | (844) 3 SCCA CF RallyCross@cfrscca.org

Officer and Volunteer Position Descriptions

Please note, these position descriptions are in the process of being updated to reflect the new arrangement of

Event Steward
The Event Steward is recognized as the chief planner and organizer of the event.
The Event Steward shall design and establish, or oversee development of, all necessary event administrative process including:
Establishing event administration procedures that achieve compliance with all applicable RXR and supplementary regulations, including a waiver signing system.
Formulating procedures to implement the Divisional RallyCross Steward’s plans for ensuring spectator, driver and worker safety.

Chief of Safety
Duties shall concern the safety of spectators, workers and driver’s safety relative to course design. Control over course design extends only to such issues as course safety and not to design philosophy. This includes course security, which is defined as maintaining control over spectator access to the course.

Chief Registrar
Registrar’s duties include accepting and verifying entry information and assuring that all participants sign the SCCA Waiver and Release Form.

Chief of Timing and Scoring
Responsible for accurately taking, reading and recording times, posting them conspicuously during the event, and preparing the official results.
Responsible for uploading the event and overall season results for display

Chief of Tech
Event Technical Inspector shall ascertain that competition vehicles comply with the requirements of Section 3.1 Eligible Vehicles and Section 3.2 Vehicle/Driver Safety and any supplementary regulations.
Technical inspectors are not responsible for determining a vehicle’s compliance with the preparation allowances for that vehicle’s class. Competitors are directed to Article 5.3.D for protest information regarding class eligibility.

Chief of Course
When laying out a course, the size of the vehicles competing should be taken into consideration.
Courses must be tight enough to allow vehicles to run the entire course in their lower gears. Speeds on straight stretches should not normally exceed 40 mph (miles per hour) for Stock category vehicles and should not normally exceed 50 mph for any vehicle.
In addition, the course design should allow for periodic changes to accommodate developing ruts or hazards.

Paddock Manager
Responsible for all competitor and spectator activities in areas not defined as a competition surface or grid surface, and is responsible for verifying all required safety guidelines are followed in the area.
Equipment, Awards, and Worker Manager
Responsible for equipment maintenance and coordination between events.
Responsible for ordering and handling awards during events.
Responsible for assigning non-administrative worker assignments at events.

Grid Manager
Responsible for managing safe egress for competitors from course entrance and exit, and responsible for organizing the order of staged vehicles waiting to enter the course.

Web Development Manager
Responsible for managing new content and verifying existing content on the RallyCross homepage meets program guidelines, and assists other officers with content updates on the web.
Social Media Manager
Responsible for actively monitoring and updating the various social media channels that the CFR RallyCross program has active accounts.
Responsible for presenting new effective social media campaigns to help promote the program over these outlets and grow our social presence.
Photography and Video Manager
Responsible for content uploads of photographs and videos from events and for reviewing that non-hosted videos represent the program in a positive light.