844-372-2223 | (844) 3 SCCA CF RallyCross@cfrscca.org

The “Checker”

The Checker

Osceola Press

PO Box 450245, Kissimmee FL 34745

Editor-in-Chief – Kevin Crain




The Checker is published monthly by the Central Florida Region of the Sports Car Club of America, Inc. Subscriptions are available to non-Central Florida Region members for $30 per year to addresses in the United States only. A subscription is included in the Central Florida Region dues charged to its members.

Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Central Florida Region, its officers, its members, The Checker, or its advertisers.

Permission to reprint material from The Checker is hereby granted to all SCCA regional publlications with the agreement that full credit be given to the author and The Checker.


Full Page – $150/month

Half Page – $115/month

Quarter Page – $85/month

CFR Business Exchange – $50/year (CFR members only)

All Ads must be PREPAID.

Personal, non-commercial, classified ads without pictures are free to CFR/SCCA members, and will run in two (2) consecutive issues. We prefer to receive ads by e-mail at TheChecker@OsceolaPress.com. If you cannot send the ad by e-mail please type or print it clearly and mail it to The Checker.


The Deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month prior to the desired publication date. Articles, photographs and advertisements must ARRIVE at The Checker by the deadline. Send articles, photos, and advertisements via e-mail to TheChecker@OsceolaPress.com or by mail to The Checker, PO Box 450245 Kissimmee FL 34745. Printed photographs will not be returned unless specifically requested. Include a self-addressed return envelope with sufficient postage. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for return.


Make your changes online at www.scca.com. You will need your member number (and password if you have already created one) to log on. Be sure to add or update your email address so that you can get your meeting notices! Or, call the Topeka office at 800-770-2055 to notify them of your change. Any call to Topeka with a request will require that you provide your member number. DO NOT SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO THE CHECKER.